ঠিকানা: হাউস নং-৯, ১ম তলা, রোড নং-২ সেক্টর-৩, উত্তরা, ঢাকা ১২৩০
অনুসরণ করুন

Email Marketing


Cost effective.
10K Email
80-90% inbox delivery.
Spam and bounce detector
1 by 1 email sending system.
SMTP server with dedicated IP
Free consultancy for better advertisement.
Picture can add in body. No need to attachment email.
Auto generated report for clients (Inbox report, Spam report, Bounce report).
Email body (Content may be picture or plain text or picture, text both or html format).
Email subject (Not more than 80 characters).


Cost effective.
15K Email
80-90% inbox delivery.
Spam and bounce detector
1 by 1 email sending system.
SMTP server with dedicated IP
Free consultancy for better advertisement.
Picture can add in body. No need to attachment email.
Auto generated report for clients (Inbox report, Spam report, Bounce report).
Email body (Content may be picture or plain text or picture, text both or html format).
Email subject (Not more than 80 characters).


Cost effective.
20K Email
80-90% inbox delivery.
Spam and bounce detector
1 by 1 email sending system.
SMTP server with dedicated IP
Free consultancy for better advertisement.
Picture can add in body. No need to attachment email.
Auto generated report for clients (Inbox report, Spam report, Bounce report).
Email body (Content may be picture or plain text or picture, text both or html format).
Email subject (Not more than 80 characters).